
Agashiv Caves, Malkapur, Karad

4.0 Rating - 2 review

Agashivnagar malkapur Karad

Location / Landmark
Malkapur Karad

Review and Comments of Agashiv Caves, Malkapur, Karad


of viewer recommend this place

Sep 11 2022

I just loved this

दोन हजार वर्षांपूर्वीची बौद्ध लेणी खरंच खूप महत्त्वाचे ठिकाण होते कराड

Vikas maske
May 17 2022


Recently discovered and restored caves probably 2000 + years old. Originally used by Buddhist Monks for mediation and settlement as they were not allowed to stay in town by their Masters. Maintenance of the caves is required. Interested people may visit here once. 1 hour Trek is must to reach the location. Moderate to high level of difficulty due to unfrequented path.

Omkar Shete

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - about Agashiv Caves, Malkapur, Karad

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You can easily find Agashiv Caves in Malkapur Karad.

More details about - Agashiv Caves, Malkapur, Karad

Agashiv Caves in Malkapur, Karad : Here you will find details about - Agashiv Caves, Malkapur, Karad with detail address, contact number, images / logo, open hours, map etc.

In Malkapur Karad, Agashiv Caves is listed under Visiting Places. Agashiv Caves is a good service provider in Visiting Places.

You can reach to Agashiv Caves at Agashivnagar malkapur Karad, in Malkapur, Karad. The contact number of Agashiv Caves is 0. Agashiv Caves has been rated a 4.0 out of 5 from total 2 reviews.

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